SOTOVIKIS was founded in 1944 as a small real estate agency by Anastasios Sotovikis I, initially focusing on the development of a few select buildings.
In 1967, leadership transitioned to Dimitrios Sotovikis I, who shifted the company’s focus solely on property development. This marked the beginning of a new era, with the creation of one of the first shopping centres in Greece, the iconic SOTOCENTER, and transformative contributions to the Greek skyline.
25 August 1967
23 April 2007
In 1994, the third generation took the helm as Anastasios Sotovikis introduced a fresh vision and innovative ideas. In 2007, the company embraced a “quality over quantity” philosophy, leading to the establishment of SOTOVIKIS + B by Anastasios and Konstantinia Batziou. This architecture and construction firm specializes in bespoke developments and selective client collaborations.
In 2012, the company expanded into the food industry, charting a new course with the launch of its first restaurant, Spiti, under the subsidiary FoodhubS. Today, FoodhubS oversees a growing portfolio of nine franchises, including Spiti and All Senses Gastronomy, showcasing its success in culinary innovation.
17 MAY 2012
2 August 2024
In 2024, SOTOVIKIS underwent a major restructuring to support its expansion into new sectors. This led to the creation of SOTOVIKISgroup, a dynamic conglomerate uniting all its ventures and firms under one umbrella, establishing a robust and diversified family of companies.
Born in Athens, Greece, in 1969, he pursued a course of study in economics and administration related to construction and development in London. Despite this academic background, he seamlessly integrated his passion for architecture and cultivated comprehensive expertise through hands-on experience. In 1994, he established the SOTOVIKIS Company, and in 2007, he co-founded the architectural firm SOTOVIKIS + B with Constantinia Batziou. Subsequently, in 2012, they jointly founded the Restaurant Group FoodhubS.
Born in Xanthi, Greece, in 1975, she pursued her education in architecture in the United Kingdom and furthered her studies with an MSc in Energy Efficient Building. Her professional journey began with employment at an architectural practice in the U.K., extending until 2003 when she joined the SOTOVIKIS offices in Athens. In 2007, she collaborated with Anastasis Sotovikis to establish the architectural firm SOTOVIKIS + B, and in 2012, they jointly founded the Restaurant Group FoodhubS.
Born in Athens, Greece, in 2005, he pursued his education in Bussines & Managment in the United Kingdom. Despite having broader education that did not detair him from his passions for real estate and development. In 2021 he started his cross training in SOTOVIKISgroup, and in 2023 he was apointed project analyst.